Regular monthly meetings of the Club will consist of a 5:30-6:30 pm social hour followed by 6:30-7:00 pm dinner with the general meeting beginning at 7:00 pm at the club house on the second (2nd) Monday of each month, except the month of November, when the meeting shall be held on the first (1st) Monday of the month. Members will be notified of meeting changes or special meetings by mail, email, or telephone.
Members who do not attend regular membership meetings will be assessed one ($1) dollar fine for each meeting missed.

Membership Fees
All renewing members must have paid the one-time lifetime initiation fee to West Branch Sportsmen’s Club
One-time Lifetime Initiation Fee: $50.00
Annual Regular Members Dues: $50.00
Pay Your Yearly Dues Here an additional $2.00 will be added to help cover fees.
Membership Rules
1. Membership shall be open to all races, color, creed, and gender. New applicants must have attained the age of eighteen (18) years old on or before submitting the application for membership to WBSC.
2. Total membership will be limited to one hundred twenty five (125) members with additions applications being placed on a waiting list until an opening occurs.
3. To become acquainted with the facilities and club members, a candidate applies in person at one (1) meeting for membership. The application will be considered the following month, being approved by the general membership, they will be given full membership upon paying an initiation fee equal to one year’s dues, and paying the the prorated dues for the remainder of the year. The prospective member must pay these fees within sixty (60) days to become a member in good standing.
4. Membership annual dues will be fifty dollars ($50). New members joining the club during the year will pay prorated dues of four ($4.00) per month.
5. Members in good standings: (A) To be a member in good standing, all dues, fines, assessments or other monies owed to the corporation from the previous year, and dues for the current year are to be paid no later than the first meting of the membership in January. Members not paying by the January meeting will be notified by mail, email, or phone that they must pay no later than the first meeting in February or their membership will not be renewed. To become a member again refer to Article II paragraph 5 of the By-Laws.
(B) All members in good standing of the Club, as carried on the official records of the Club, shall each have one vote for all club business, submitted to the membership vote persuant to current by-laws. There shall be no other classes of membership, each member having one vote.
6. A quorum of two (2) officers and twenty-five (25) members must be present to hold a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Meetings involving the club may be scheduled with notification to the executive board members.

Officers and Trustees are nominated at the November meeting, voted on at the December meeting, and take office in January.
Each year members will elect a president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and a recording secretary, and may elect other such officers as the membership may deem appropriate from time to time. Officers will be nominated at the November meeting, voted on at the December meeting, and take office in January.

(906) 361-5999
Vice President

Vice President 2024 John Conrad

(906) 235-8774

Treasurer 2024 John Headman
Five (5) trustees will be nominated in November and elected in December (the year their term is up), to serve the following terms; three (3) trustees for three (3) years and two (2) for two (2) years.
Current Trustees:
- Rob Montcalm (2 year term) 2024-2026
- Scott Porter (2 year term) 2024-2026
- Jerry Kasten (3 year term) 2024-2027
- Greg Adams (3 year term) 2024-2027
- Don Johnson (3 year term) 2024-2027