“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land”

The Club is in search of someone to take over as The Hunter Safety Instructor, you would be responsible for becoming a State Certified Instructor and recruiting others to help in the advance of the class within the club. Please E-Mail Our Secretary if you are interested. Email Here
CPL Classes offered at WBSC
Upper Peninsula CPL Training, Gerald Kasten. 906 942 7914, kastengl@tds.net
906 Concealed Carry, Avery Smith 906 249-9205, training@906concealedcarry.com
Want to Donate to Our Club? Click Here.
The purpose and intent of this Club is to promote conservation, education, the shooting sports and sportsmanship.
Upcoming Events at WBSC
Monthly meetings are held the second (2nd) Monday of each month, except November when held the first (1st) Monday of the month.
The club grounds offer a club house along with an outside pistol range, trap shooting range, and a 50, 100, 150, 300 and 400 yard rifle range.
Interested in becoming a member Need to know how to get to our clubhouse? Interested in an event we are hosting?